The ‘Archaeology of Gesture’: Apprenticeship, Tools, Hands, Organization, Collaborations, Learning Experience and Social Network Analysis


[467α] [...] ἢ οὐκ ᾔσθησαι τὰ περὶ τὰς τέχνας, οἷον τοὺς τῶν κεραμέων παῖδας, ὡς πολὺν χρόνον διακονοῦντες θεωροῦσι πρὶν ἅπτεσθαι τοῦ κεραμεύειν;
Plato, Rep. V, 467a
Have you ever noticed the practice in the arts, how for example the sons of potters look on as helpers a long time before they put their hands to the clay?
October 6-7, 2022
Technology, crafting and artisanal networks in the Greek and Roman World
Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Ceramics
This international conference aims to merge theoretical models with methodological approaches on ceramic technology and artisanal networks in the Classical world.This convergence of analytical frameworks will allow scholars to explore some traditional archaeological topics that usually have a very low-level of archaeological visibility, such as the skillful gestures of the craftspeople involved, the organization of the ceramic production, the dynamics of apprenticeship and knowledge transfer as well as intra and inter-regional artisanal mobility, in the Greco-Roman ‘communities of practice’. Invited speakers with highly interdisciplinary research profiles will present on case studies reconstructing the ancient savoir-faire of craftspeople working with clay in classical antiquity. They will discuss new holistic paradigms that promote interdisciplinary dialogues among various field of studies such as archaeology, archaeometry, anthropology, ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology, and digital humanities, such as Social Network Analysis, computational imaging and big data analysis.